Meet the Ministry Staff

Lead Pastor
Pastor Gary Nettleship
Pastor Gary has been pastoring for over 36 years. He has always felt God leading him to preach the Word of God, pray and fan his growing passion for people who don’t yet know Christ and believe and pray for revival for our nation.
His wife Pamela is involved in ministry with him and they have 4 adult children, 8 grandchildren and 2 Golden Retriever dogs. Pamela loves animals and is also a dog groomer.
He has travelled to many countries where he has been involved in preaching and training Pastors for ministry. His biggest prayer, other than for his family, is for Canada to be saved and a mighty revival to begin in Canada.

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Jagdish Luchun
Pastor Jagdish immigrated to Canada from Mauritius in 2005. He came to the saving knowledge of Christ in his early 20s, and faced great persecution coming from a Hindu background. He thanks God for his previous mentors who took the time to invest in his life and taught him the power of prayer and fasting. It was during those nights of prayer that he felt the call of God. He started to become involved in the ministry, including leading small groups, Youth Leader, Worship Leader, Assistant Pastor and Lead Pastor.
After graduating from Master’s College and Seminary in Canada, he has been serving the Lord as Assistant Pastor at Harvest Assembly. He has a passion for teaching God’s Word.

Outreach Pastor
Pastor Stephen Rao
Pastor Stephen was saved at the age of 21. He had planned to pursue a Master’s degree after completing a B.A. in Economics, but felt called by the Lord to serve in ministry, and decided to attend Bible college instead. Soon after attaining a M.Div., he became involved in planting churches. He moved to the North of India where he taught in a Bible college and worked as a Youth Pastor/Pastoral Assistant. In 2003 he moved to Canada, where he attended Tyndale University and obtained a M.Th. Having been involved in different ministries for 23 years, Pastor Stephen is passionate about reaching people with the gospel. His wife Pam and three children support him in serving the Lord.