Children's Ministry
Harvest Kids Ministry serves families with children ages 4 to grade 8. Our hope is to welcome children into our community to encounter God and experience His love through Bible lessons, Praise and worship, and engaging activities so they can continue to walk in His love and be a light in the spaces they are in. Our curriculum program is based on the Bible and led by the Holy Spirit.
We do this by
Teaching children the Bible - the word of God
Teaching the children about the Father’s heart
Teaching our children how to partner with the Holy Spirit
Teaching our children that Revival starts with them
Demonstrating principles through Bible Stories, Worship and creative activities
What to Expect On Sundays
We welcome your child to join us every Sunday at 11 AM for their own program Parents will sign their children in and out at the Children's Ministry Area.
Harvest is thrilled to have your family and children join us as we journey together in our walk with Christ!
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6